Where does it hurt?

Mark 5:21-43 

Where does it hurt?  It is a powerful question that invites honest sharing and vulnerability on the part of each person in the conversation.  Some of us know broken relationships with spouses, children, or friends.  Others know the pain of the loss of loved ones in death.  More folks know the pain and exclusion of racism and prejudice.  Still others are living with abuse in their homes from partners, parents, or children.  We hurt so many places in our lives.   

Where does it hurt?  It is important to ask this question because when you know your pain and the pain of others, when you know the pain of the world, we have a bigger context of understanding of human suffering.  When we have a bigger context of understanding human suffering, we can show up in a more compassionate way.  This step makes a difference in our lives and relationships because it acknowledges the pain, the hurt of others, and says to them you are valued.  When I ask the question, where does it hurt and you tell me where it hurts, and I listen, then I can respond with compassion and it communicates that I value you.  Getting into the experiences of others deepens your well of experience and so, makes us more resilient human beings.   

We are all like this woman hemorrhaging for twelve years and Jairus’ daughter.  We all must confess some kind of ailment, whether it is physical, spiritual, psychological, or interpersonal.  The hemorrhaging woman lived in isolation for an extended period of time and exhausted her resources.  She takes a great risk to reach out and touch Jesus.  In doing so, her future is opened up before her as she is healed.  Jairus’ daughter faces a situation where her future is quickly closing.  But the touch of Jesus restores that future.  Jesus’ healing and touch can open up our futures too.   

Reflection Questions: 

  1.  Where do you hurt? 

  2. What would healing look like for you and your situation? 

  3. When have you been able to show compassion for another person?  When has another shown compassion to you? 



What Do You Need?


Where are you from?